(In Anchorage? See our  Jimmy’s Asian Food website.)

Eagle River To Go Orders Call: 907-696-3339 or

Order Online

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 11:00am-10:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 11:00am-11:00pm
Sunday: 12pm-10:00pm

11401 Old Glenn Highway #103 Eagle River Alaska 99577


The owner and executive chef Jimmy Zhou has been working as a sushi chef for more than two decades. Over 15 years ago, he came to Anchorage and immediately fell in love with the city and the people. As time went by, Jimmy worked as a sushi chef in several restaurants building the reputation of his ability to select only the highest quality of the products and then skillfully transforming the fish, into works of edible art. Due to popular demand, Jimmy has opened his own restaurant demonstrating his unique skills and creating masterful & incredible sushi platters, bridging the gap from traditional style to modern fusion.

You can experience Jimmy’s Sushi at his Eagle River Restaurant EagleRiverSushi.com , or enjoy the full Asian food experience (including authentic Chinese food, Thai food, and more) at his Anchorage Alaska location JimmysAsianFood.com.